Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Raising Awareness

I'm finally setting up my blog with links. Some are, of course, friends I try to keep in touch with and enjoy reading their blogs. And, some of the links are part of a growing list of projects or information on the Dominican Republic as a way of raising awareness about the country. The DR is by and large a very poor country with great need. In addition to poverty, hunger, and lack of clean drinking water there is a growing number of people effected by HIV/Aids.

Check out the links to the side to find out some of the organizations trying to make a difference. One is an organization I found out about in Boston that sponsors women in poverty who are about to give birth helping them have a clean, safe birthing experience. The infant mortality rate in the DR is somewhere right in the middle of the chart of mortality rates. It's not the worst, yet far from the best when it comes to safe and clean places to have a baby.

Another site is World Vision who is doing tremendous wonrk to give kids in impoverished situations an education, which is a key to a life out of poverty and is directly related to a stronger future for this third world country. Eric and I had a great experience sponsoring a child through World Vision and am hopeful we can visit our former sponsored child sometime while we are here.

The third link is a project I recently learned about that was started by a woman who worked in ministry in New England for several years previous to her relocation. I am learning a little about her project in one of the barrios on the outlying area of Santo Domingo and hope to make a connection with her soon.

As I learn more about ministries and organizations here I will keep the list updated to spread awareness. Also, if any of you know of some organizations who are doing good work here let me know in the comments.

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