I've been distracted from blogging and I blame it on Twitter. I decided to try it out and for the last week I've been updating a couple of times a day and checking in to see what my Twitter-friends are up to. I'm not sure what I think about it. I don't have a laptop available to me all day, nor am I able to send text messages from my cell phone here, so I kind of have to make an effort to get to the room log back on and send an update. It's fun to know what people are up to at that moment, but I'm not sure about it because I think to be a twitter-er it has to kind of become a part of your routine. Hmmm. Have to think a little more about that one.
AND, I think it is really slowing down the blog traffic. I have noticed my blog-friends aren't updating as often, and I miss that. I look forward to logging into Google Reader each day to see what new posts have arrived. It feels like getting mail to me, especially since we don't get mail here. I want my blog to remain a priority, since it is the primary way we are keeping people in our lives across the sea updated.
Well anyway, here is an update from our house:
Little E is LOVING school and learning sooooo much. I really can't believe how much! He says all kinds of things in Spanish and some things in English. BUT, the best part and the part that amazes me the most is that he UNDERSTANDS everything in both languages. How that is possible for someone who can't put more than two intelligible words together is beyond me. But, hallelujah, we are raising a bi-lingual kid! He says, "hola", "agua", "eso es..." (this is), "si", "seee" (which is for silla (chair)). And, in English he says, "bye-bye", "nigh-nigh", "who" (juice), "this is", "choo-choo" (which he is enamored with right now!)...and a whole lotta animal names and sounds. And, of course, "Elmo", which he asks for all day.
He is also becoming more "able" in a lot of ways. He likes to draw with pencils, markers, crayons. And, we did a bit of painting and gluing yesterday to make a collage. He likes to play with play-dough and in his sandbox on the balcony (which is actually filled with dry oatmeal...thanks for the brilliant idea Kellie!) He is turning two in a month and he is going to get a tricycle from his Abuelo Orlando, so that will be fun to go to the park with.
AND, I am very proud to report that he drank an entire glass of milk (with only the slightest amount of Nesquik) for lunch today!!!!! I found the perfect "milk" cup for him to drink out of and it has made all the difference. He just needed to not see what he was drinking. Today was the first day he has had some with his meal, so I am hoping it's all down hill from here!!
Well, I have to go because he is down for a nap and I am itching to get sewing. I am praying this is a long-nap-day, because I have some fun projects I have been waiting to match up with fabric. I finally got down to Almacenes El Canal to immerse myself in fabric heaven. They have every kind of fabric I could imagine and the prices are amazing. So, I am off to start sewing a new sheet/blanket for Eric's crib, a fitted crib sheet and pillowcase to match, and an apron for me. I'll post pictures soon.