Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Just another day...

Yesterday was one those totally mundane stay-at-home days and yet I was totally exhausted by naptime...and there are a lot of hours left in the day after naptime. My day started at 6:15 thanks to my little alarm clock that wakes me up with a very insistent string of mama's. I made muffins for Eric to take to work to impress his co-workers (apparently they chanted my name over and over, which is guy-speak for they liked them), washed and hung two loads of laundry on the roof, fed and dressed Little E, swept up cracker and cereal crumbs from breakfast, washed a mountain of dishes and started preparing lunch before 10:30 a.m. I'm tired just looking at the list. I did get a chance to sew this for Eric's bed:

And, I learned how to make a matching fitted crib sheet from this awesome website. I love finding free patterns, since it would cost a fortune to buy and ship patterns here. Anyone know of a pajama bottom pattern for a toddler? I would love a free one because I was going nuts with all of the cheap fun fabric at my new favorite store!

After naptime and two power outtages later I declared it was time to take a walk. Little E and I put our shoes on and walked to the neighborhood ice cream store. I am loving the ice cream here, although my hips not so much. The local ice cream franchises are located all throughout the city, so you are never too far away from one. I compare it to how you can find a Starbuck's on just about every block in Boston...oh, how I miss my friend Tall Nonfat Latte. Anyway, our closest Bon is close enough of a walk that Little E can hold my hand and walk on his own. So, while we were there eating our ice cream I kept seeing this little boy of about 7 or 8 looking through the window asking for money and just kind of hanging around Bon to see what he might make from the spare change handed to him. On the way out I bought an ice cream bar, handed it to Eric and told him to give it to the little boy. I also gave him some change and asked him if he went to school. He told me he did in the morning and I told him that was good and he should keep going. He thanked us, sat down on the curb and started eating his ice cream as we walked home. Even though he didn't have any idea what was going on, I wanted Eric to be involved with helping this little boy because it's really never to early to learn how to serve.

When we got home I discovered we had both electricity AND water. What a treat!!! I cut up the fruit I had bought at the store. A canteloupe, papaya and pineapple all for $3.65...can you believe it! Gotta love that caribbean fruit!
And, then just as I was settling in with Little E on the bed before bedtime thinking I had made it and I relaxation was within mother-in-law came over and Eric called letting me know he was bringing a friend home for sandwiches. Ah, a mother just really never gets to rest, you know.

Here is the view of the ocean from our roof. See, we do have an ocean view!

This is a view from the roof.


kristi said...

i love this post. and i LOVE the blog header you have now! what an amazing photo.

dena f - mom's friend said...

you might have already found a pattern for pj bottoms, but the easiest way i found is to take a pair of his pants - hold them up (like you're trying them on him) - then fold them in half...pulling the inseam crotch fully you have the perfect size and shape to pin down just as you would a paper pattern...just cut two pieces following that same shape plus one-half inch all the way round for a sewing seam...then cut two more pieces following that same shape but add two inches to the torso seam, then follow the inseam down tapering in as you near the cuff part - **remember that on all pants, the two rear pieces should have a longer "J" shape (more room for the bottom is necessary to have them fit correctly), with your four pieces, sew the torso seam in the back two pieces and then sew the torso seam in the front two pieces...lay both connected pieces open and flat... pin right sides together and sew the inseams (make two seams starting at the crotch seam so that they will line up correctly) then sew the outside leg seams...finish with an elastic waistband and hemming the legs and voila...pj bottoms!!!...with this little "cheater" pattern you'll never have to worry about him outgrowing your paper pattern!...have fun!