Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Oh electricity, where are you these days?

It's been a rough week, I tell you. And, it's only Wednesday. SO, I can either brace myself for more of the same or think it's bound to get better from here.

Electricity. I love it. I have never appreciated it more. I don't have it a lot these days.

It's just part of life that we often lose it. And, it hasn't bothered me until this week. It hasn't been a big deal to lose it for a few hours every couple of days. It's workable. Maybe you don't get to do a load of laundry or you have to wait to use the oven. BUT, I am through with being least today.

For the past few days we have lost power several times each day, and two nights until 1 a.m. It's July, right? So, it's HOT and no power means no fans and virtually no air flow, especially when you don't have power during the peak daytime hours. And, no power at night means going to sleep without the AC, which a lot of people do here, I know. But, we don't use our AC until we go to bed and I really look forward to that time of day when I know I can be cool.

Well, today after being on the generator back up power for several hours, we lost it completely during the hottest part of the day, no ice in the freezer and sweaty stickiness covering us from head to toe and I just couldn't take another minute. I called my friend April who saved the day, packed up our swimsuits and took a cab over to her cool apartment with the pool beconing us. Oh the sweet coolness of it all.

Apparently there is a power "situation" right now where the political powers are up in arms over something and using power to let us all know in no uncertain terms that they are in control. I can only imagine someone hovering over a power grid fiendeshly rubbing their hands together flicking switches turning off power over certain neighborhoods relishing the control they have over us. Maybe this is my imagination gone wild from heat exhaustion, but it doesn't really sound like a democratic thing to do to wield power over the people by turning off and on their electricity at will, now does it?

And, for the record my quote of the week spoken to Eric last night was, "You can't underestimate the power of that second shower."

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