Monday, March 9, 2009

Who doesn't like chocolate milk?

I mean, really, tell me...what kid doesn't beg for chocolate milk? Not mine. He won't touch milk in a cup with a ten foot pole. Since we started him on milk in June when he turned one and we got the go-ahead from our pediatrician I have tried everything to get him to drink it. Spaced out over the past 8 months I have gone through periods of trying and periods of completely giving up and resorting to the one nightly bottle he drinks. I've held onto that one bottle because I am so afraid if I give it up he won't drink ANY milk at all. I've tried serving it to him in several different types of sippy cups and regular glasses, as well. I've tried forcing him with the your-going-to-sit-there-until-you-drink-it method and we all know that NEVER works, but sometimes you just get desperate. And, recently I have tried chocolate milk, Nesquik to be exact (which happens to be loaded with vitamins and marketed as a health drink in Latin countries, as is sugar cereal, but seriously don't get me started). Nope. He takes one drink and hands it back to me or puts it on the table as far away as he can set it.

What he doesn't realize in that tiny little head of his is that he has this window of opportunity right now to drink as much chocolate milk as his heart can wish for, just so he'll be drinking SOME milk. And, that one day he is going to actually want the chocolate milk and I am going to give him the not-before-dinner speech. Someone should tell him to wise up before the clock runs out. Or, maybe he's the smarty-pants who knows what I am up to and isn't giving in to my bribery tactics knowing that I am just buttering him up with the chocolate stuff to get him to regularly drink the white stuff. Once I have him hooked I'll cut him off.

Well, whatever it is I just wish, for his bones sake, he would drink milk!

On another note, we are battling mosquito bites again. It's a sad sight...he has 5 bites on his face from the past two nights. And, he sleeps under a mosquito net. I just can't figure it out. And, then today another bite appeared on his temple as a huge red lump. We don't think it's a mosquito bite and we don't know what it is. All this, just one day after a bout with a moderately high fever over the weekend, which included two blood tests to rule out Dengue Fever and a trip to the pediatrician.

I tell you, you get through one thing just to be faced with another. Trying to coax him into chocolate milk is actually FUN compared to the latter two things!


kristi said...

can you get the amount of calcium in him by giving him lots of yogurt? i've never compared the mls or whatever, but maybe?

i hope his little body gets used to the skeetos soon... :(

Anonymous said...

Try putting ice cubes in the milk/chocolate milk. Worked for Chase.

Kellie said...

the mosquitos are scary....

Preston didn't like milk at first either. I did soy milk instead - I think it is sweeter. They say breast milk is sweet too. After drinking the soy milk for a couple of months, he was fine with the regular milk.

I would stay away from adding things in though. My sister did that & here 5 year old still won't drink milk without "strawberry". She also has a rotten tooth from all the sugar in the milk.