Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Looking Up.

Things are looking up in our home these days, and in my heart, too. We've been here nearly 4 months and are feeling adjusted and more settled. We've found a daily rythmn around the house. And, the challenges that keep coming our way don't seem to be taking us back a couple of steps each time we meet them. Do I dare say that Santo Domingo is feeling like home?
Here are a few things we are thankful for:
- Our car arrived and we had the money to pay the taxes and fees to pick it up.
- Little Eric loves going to school and is growing in so many areas.
- I have a job teaching English 4 hours a week that I love and provides extra money.
- Eric is excelling in his jobs at the University and at Lexco.
- We have enough money to pay our rent, bills, and expenses.
- We love living near family.
- I am communicating and understanding Spanish better each day.
- I have new friends (both American and Dominican) and a Bible study group I am a part of that I love.
- We have been healthy with only a few minor colds.
- The weather is amazing and something I am not taking for granted.- Amazing coffee grown locally that I can enjoy in the early morning hours when I take a few minutes to start my day and pray.
- Great fruit to enjoy every day - cantelope, pineapple, papaya, bananas, etc.
I am sure there are so many more things to put on the list, but for today this is what comes to mind. More than anything I am finding that it is through the challenges life deals us that we grow and our faith increases. God has been faithful to us in so many ways and I am thankful for Him today.
Some pictures of the Dominican Republic through my eyes:

Little Eric playing with a neighbor in the parqueo of our apartment. Her name is Giada and her mom is Italian and dad is Dominican.

The park in Santo Domingo where I like to go walking with Eric's mom.

This totally cracks me up everytime I walk past it. It's an ad for a small salon, but the picture on the poster is of Katie Holmes. Do you think she has any idea?

A street vendor selling masks for Carnival.

This is Asopao, another Dominican stew that is typically enjoyed with family and friends. They have a lot of these one-pot meals here.


kristi said...

oh i want to see these pictures bigger. can you make them bigger by default? what breathtaking shots. i love the last one of papa & baby walking together. so precious.

i'm so happy to read this entry. so thankful for you! much love.

Amy D said...

Karin, this is such good news. I loved every bit of this post. I am so glad you are settling in and feeling at home - appreciating life. And I love the pictures. Keep them coming!